Old China Hand Blogs
- blog aggregator: China Alltop: http://china.alltop.com
- information on new China publications: http://www.chinaherald.net
- www.popupchinese.com (weekly Sinica podcast by American Chinese Kaiser Kuo and South African Jeremy Goldkorn)
- http://www.amchamchina.org/podcasts (business podcast by the American Chamber with frequent guest Jim McGregor)
- http://www.mckinseychina.com/category/podcasts/ (mc kinsey greater china podcast on business affairs)
- thechinastory.org (Lazlo Montgomery's podcast on Chinese history)
Bridge Blogs
- hidden harmonies (great banana blog: written by Asian Americans, who were born in Greater China, but live in the US)
- http://www.trustedsources.co.uk/blog/china/ (Jonathan Fenby's online)
- analects (weekly newsfeed from The Economist's writing staff)
- sinosphere (classifierd China reporting on NYT)
- sinocism (Bill Bishop's bridge blog and newsletter)
- the china file 中参馆 (Orville Schell's China information platform)
- morningwhistle.com (Chinese language news aggregator)
- www.chinasmack.com (Sun-like online tabloid)
- chinageeks.org (Charly Custer online)
- eastbysoutheast.com (blogging community written out of Kunming, China's gate to SEA)
- talesofoldchina.com (website on the colonial past of China)
- beijingcream.com (blog from Beijing on modern China)
- shanghaiist.com (blog from Shanghai on modern China)
- http://www.shanghai-review.org/ (blog and event calendar on talks and lecture series in Shanghai focused on China and social sciences)
China Industry Blogs
- China Law: http://www.chinalawblog.com/
- China Environmental Law: http://www.chinaenvironmentallaw.com/
- China Law & IP: Stan Abrams: http://www.chinahearsay.com
- China Media: David Wolf: http://siliconhutong.com
- China PR: Will Moss : http://imagethief.com
- China Sourcing: David Dayton: http://silkroadintl.net/blog
- China Quality Control: Renaud Anjoran: http://www.qualityinspection.org
- China Consumer Trends: Bill Dodson: http://thisischinablog.com
- China Education: Robert Vance: http://www.teachabroadchina.com
- China-India Bilateral Relations & Trade: http://www.2point6billion.com
- China General Analysis: Richard Brubaker: http://www.allroadsleadtochina.com
- China Accounting, written by Paul Gillis: http://www.chinaccountingblog.com
China Expat culture blogs
- Ernie Diaz at http://www.chinaexpat.com
- Mark Tanner: http://www.marktanner.com/blog
- Tom Weiskopf: http://www.seeingredinchina.com
- Josh Summers: http://www.farwestchina.com
Newspapers and Magazines
- South China Morning Post (the Hong Kong newspaper in CN and EN)
- Shanghai Daily (the English newspaper of Shanghai)
- China Daily (the English newspaper of mainland China)
- Caijing 财经 (important Chinese and English language economic newspaper)
- China Contact (German magazine on business in China)
- China Confidential (FT investment intelligence founded by James Kynge)
- danwei.com (Jeremy Goldkorn's start up on media intelligence, now owned by FT)
- connectedchina.reuters.com (great graphics on political and social networks)
- chinapolitik.de (Sebastian Heilmann's website on China policy)
- China Economic Review (Economist-like magazine with China focus)
Organizations with China Focus
- Asia Society (US based educational organization)
- Merics (first German based think tank on China issues)
- Austrian Institute for China Studies (interesting inter-diciplinary database on Chinese culture and society)
Teaching Sources
- Asia for Educators (Columbia University online resources)
Various Information of General Interest:
- China Statistical Bureau: http://www.stats.gov.cn/ (plenty of numbers to talk about)
- Hurun Report: http://www.hurun.net/indexen.aspx (annual ranking of China’s rich)
- Can China Feed Itself? (Interactive project on China's food supply situation)
- Chinese equivalent for youtube: www.tudou.com or www.youku.com
- Chinese equivalent for Google: www.baidu.com (the only browser that works properly within the Great Firewall)
Chinese Law Databases:
- Beijing University Law Department: www.chinalawinfo.com
- State Council Law Department: http://www.chinalaw.gov.cn/
- Renmin University Law Department: http://www.law.ruc.edu.cn/
- IPR Tribunal, China People’s Supreme Court: http://www.chinaiprlaw.com/english/default.htm
B2B and B2C Platforms:
- www.alibaba.com.cn
- www.b2b-china.com
- www.taobao.com
- www.made-in-china.com
Important Trade Fairs:
- East China Fair: www.east-china-fair.com
- China International Consumer Goods Fair: www.cicgf.com
- China Yiwu International Commodities Fair: www.chinafairs.org
- China Import and Export Fair: www.cantonfair.org.cn
- blog aggregator: China Alltop: http://china.alltop.com
- information on new China publications: http://www.chinaherald.net
- www.popupchinese.com (weekly Sinica podcast by American Chinese Kaiser Kuo and South African Jeremy Goldkorn)
- http://www.amchamchina.org/podcasts (business podcast by the American Chamber with frequent guest Jim McGregor)
- http://www.mckinseychina.com/category/podcasts/ (mc kinsey greater china podcast on business affairs)
- thechinastory.org (Lazlo Montgomery's podcast on Chinese history)
Bridge Blogs
- hidden harmonies (great banana blog: written by Asian Americans, who were born in Greater China, but live in the US)
- http://www.trustedsources.co.uk/blog/china/ (Jonathan Fenby's online)
- analects (weekly newsfeed from The Economist's writing staff)
- sinosphere (classifierd China reporting on NYT)
- sinocism (Bill Bishop's bridge blog and newsletter)
- the china file 中参馆 (Orville Schell's China information platform)
- morningwhistle.com (Chinese language news aggregator)
- www.chinasmack.com (Sun-like online tabloid)
- chinageeks.org (Charly Custer online)
- eastbysoutheast.com (blogging community written out of Kunming, China's gate to SEA)
- talesofoldchina.com (website on the colonial past of China)
- beijingcream.com (blog from Beijing on modern China)
- shanghaiist.com (blog from Shanghai on modern China)
- http://www.shanghai-review.org/ (blog and event calendar on talks and lecture series in Shanghai focused on China and social sciences)
China Industry Blogs
- China Law: http://www.chinalawblog.com/
- China Environmental Law: http://www.chinaenvironmentallaw.com/
- China Law & IP: Stan Abrams: http://www.chinahearsay.com
- China Media: David Wolf: http://siliconhutong.com
- China PR: Will Moss : http://imagethief.com
- China Sourcing: David Dayton: http://silkroadintl.net/blog
- China Quality Control: Renaud Anjoran: http://www.qualityinspection.org
- China Consumer Trends: Bill Dodson: http://thisischinablog.com
- China Education: Robert Vance: http://www.teachabroadchina.com
- China-India Bilateral Relations & Trade: http://www.2point6billion.com
- China General Analysis: Richard Brubaker: http://www.allroadsleadtochina.com
- China Accounting, written by Paul Gillis: http://www.chinaccountingblog.com
China Expat culture blogs
- Ernie Diaz at http://www.chinaexpat.com
- Mark Tanner: http://www.marktanner.com/blog
- Tom Weiskopf: http://www.seeingredinchina.com
- Josh Summers: http://www.farwestchina.com
Newspapers and Magazines
- South China Morning Post (the Hong Kong newspaper in CN and EN)
- Shanghai Daily (the English newspaper of Shanghai)
- China Daily (the English newspaper of mainland China)
- Caijing 财经 (important Chinese and English language economic newspaper)
- China Contact (German magazine on business in China)
- China Confidential (FT investment intelligence founded by James Kynge)
- danwei.com (Jeremy Goldkorn's start up on media intelligence, now owned by FT)
- connectedchina.reuters.com (great graphics on political and social networks)
- chinapolitik.de (Sebastian Heilmann's website on China policy)
- China Economic Review (Economist-like magazine with China focus)
Organizations with China Focus
- Asia Society (US based educational organization)
- Merics (first German based think tank on China issues)
- Austrian Institute for China Studies (interesting inter-diciplinary database on Chinese culture and society)
Teaching Sources
- Asia for Educators (Columbia University online resources)
Various Information of General Interest:
- China Statistical Bureau: http://www.stats.gov.cn/ (plenty of numbers to talk about)
- Hurun Report: http://www.hurun.net/indexen.aspx (annual ranking of China’s rich)
- Can China Feed Itself? (Interactive project on China's food supply situation)
- Chinese equivalent for youtube: www.tudou.com or www.youku.com
- Chinese equivalent for Google: www.baidu.com (the only browser that works properly within the Great Firewall)
Chinese Law Databases:
- Beijing University Law Department: www.chinalawinfo.com
- State Council Law Department: http://www.chinalaw.gov.cn/
- Renmin University Law Department: http://www.law.ruc.edu.cn/
- IPR Tribunal, China People’s Supreme Court: http://www.chinaiprlaw.com/english/default.htm
B2B and B2C Platforms:
- www.alibaba.com.cn
- www.b2b-china.com
- www.taobao.com
- www.made-in-china.com
Important Trade Fairs:
- East China Fair: www.east-china-fair.com
- China International Consumer Goods Fair: www.cicgf.com
- China Yiwu International Commodities Fair: www.chinafairs.org
- China Import and Export Fair: www.cantonfair.org.cn